State Rep. Karl Bohnak on Thursday announced his support for the House Republican plan to fix Michigan roads. The plan, House Bills 4180 through 4187, will dedicate an additional $3.1 billion to fixing crumbling infrastructure every year without raising taxes. The money will come from:
- Ending corporate welfare and similar earmarks ($1.1 billion)
- Increased revenue from higher tax returns ($600 million)
- Cutting unnecessary spending ($500 million)
- Dedicating all taxes paid at the pump to roads ($945 million)
The Republican plan and the governor’s plan that followed months later, while similar, have a key difference when it comes to funding. Bohnak said the state government has enough money as it is and should be able to fund the roads deal without looking to the taxpayers.
“People in the U.P. and across Michigan are tired of having to swerve around potholes that should’ve been filled years ago,” said Bohnak, R-Deerton. “More than that, people are tired of paying so much in taxes each year. Both parties created this mess, Republicans and Democrats, but now we have an opportunity to put partisanship aside and secure some real, road funding solutions. And we can do all of it without raising taxes.”
Last year, MLive compiled and ranked Michigan counties based on their road conditions as reported by state officials. The report found that 70% of U.P. roads were in poor condition.

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